Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
Amsterdam, November 2018
From October 19th to 23rd more than 27,500 oncology professionals participated in the annual congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) that this year took place in Messe Munich in Germany. ESMO is known as Europe largest and most influential oncology conference.
Over the last months in the preparation of this year’s congress, ESMO has chosen ACS audiovisual solutions as their trusted partner for the construction of temporary lecture rooms and supply of audio visual facilities for the congresses in a multi-year contract.
Jessica Ylstra, (CEO, ACS): “ACS is very proud to have supported the ESMO Congresses and organisation over the past years, including the change from a biennial to an annual congress and we are excited to help ESMO to grow to new heights. We are looking forward to the renewed cooperation, with innovative solutions to enable ESMO!”.
In Munich ACS was responsible for the building and furnishing of 10 temporary lecture rooms with capacities running from 500 to 5,500 including several overflow areas. Besides ACS was responsible for the construction of the business rooms that could be used by ESMO industry partners and the creation of the member lounge. This year’s congress was in every aspect a success.
Keith McGregor (ESMO Chief Executive Office): “The Congress in Munich was a confirmation that ACS is a good choice; a long-term collaboration will help us to continuously enhance the experience we offer to congress participants thanks to the high standards of the lecture rooms and AV solutions offered by ACS”.
In the meantime the organization of ESMO is already preparing for the next congresses. The ESMO 2019 Congress will take place in Fira Barcelona, from 27th Sept to the 1st Oct 2019.
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
Nowadays almost every participant of a conference or event is used to ‘normal’ video projection. Do you really want to have their attention, you will have to pull out more stops! Video mapping offers this possibility. It is a projection technique that projects video images on objects other than screen or canvas, allowing the spectator to experience depth in the decor and content. During conferences, these are usually stage pieces that are placed on stage.
With video mapping, very attractive shows and presentations can be developed, but due to the costs this concept has so far been reserved for customers with a large budget. Together with a number of experts, ACS is now working on the development of a concept that uses basic background and content. As a result, costs can be reduced and video mapping is also available to customers with a smaller budget. The content can be provided with its own branding / house style so that every show has its own character.
Naturally, it remains possible to design the decor and content entirely to the customer’s wishes.
With video mapping, a spectacular show can be created, which will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time.
If you want to know more about what video mapping can do for your customers, what the costs are and what you need to think of in a conversation with customers, please conctact us!
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
The countdown to the ibtm world has begun! November 28th through to November 30th will see a ‘who’s who’ of global conference and event players get together in the Fira in Barcelona. Besides the tradeshow, the educational program is also an important part of the ibtm. Encompassing a large number of high quality innovative, creative and groundbreaking subjects presented by top speakers from the industry.
Like previous years ibtm has chosen to concentrate the entire educational program in a single location on the tradeshow floor at the ‘ACS Knowledge Village’. Sessions become more visible and easier accessible to visitors, who don’t have to leave the tradeshow floor to attend. ACS and ibtm have been working close together to deliver the vision of the village.
This year’s ACS Knowledge Village will be centered around a meeting area providing access to three hexagonal shaped theaters, a Tech theatre, a press room and a news area. ACS’s brand Eventresult is onsite to ensure the extensive program runs smoothly by implementing their presentation management system. The Speaker Service Center on the back of the Tech room provides speakers with the possibility to prepare their presentations in peace, surrounded by technical specialists. The Tech theatre provides a unique and interactive showcase of the latest innovations impacting the meetings and events industry. In the adjacent area you can meet the companies behind the top 10 innovations who were shortlisted from over 60 Technology and Innovation Watch Award entries.
For the first time the meeting area will include a Knowledge Village Information Desk manned by ibtm and a ACS and Eventresult hospitality area (P100). From here ACS is taking interested visitors for a tour backstage or for a chat and a drink. The newsroom, also located on the central square is a dynamic area visible to the public in which all content for the digital TV and signage network on site is produced. Also present here is an interview corner, where live interviews will be held throughout. Additionally some of the important keynote speaches wil be streamed live to the ibtm website.
We look forward to meeting you in Barcelona.
Participation is free of cost, all you need to do is register at www.ibtmworld.com
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
ACS invested greatly in LED lighting recently. First of all, in conjunction with CLSled, a new robust LED spot was developed, using the knowledge and experience of ACS experts. Secondly, a large number of DTS Scena LED80 theater lights and profiles have been purchased at Full AVL Distribution. The lamps were used for the first time at the ESC (European Society of Cardiology) conference at the end of August. With around 33,000 participants, this is the largest medical conference in Europe.
Lighting for congresses is a strange thing. Unlike the theater world, where conventional lighting enjoys preference, congresses lean towards aspects like: reducing energy consumption, reducing costs and reducing footprint. Utilizing LED lighting, 80-90% savings on energy can be achieved compared to conventional light.
As of yet, ACS is the only AV company in the world that consciously made the choice to facilitate major congresses with LED instead of conventional lighting. For the ESC congress, 22 conference rooms that were especially constructed by ACS, were all provided with LED lighting. In total, over 500 lamps were required, all of which were simultaneously purchased.
“This was the time to make the investment. Not only are we the first player in the market that offers this, but we also show that we think in the best interests of our clients,” says Annemiek van Iersel, Manager International Projects of ACS. Despite the fact that this was a major investment, ACS will not incorporate this into ACS’s tariffs. The customer therefore optimally benefits from the low energy costs. The advantage for ACS itself is, besides a unique product and even more satisfied clients, that it also offers savings in both time and space. The lamps are more compact and space efficient, which is better for transport and also simpler in construction. For example, a series of lights are connected with just one lockable cable, whereas its predecessors require much more peripheral equipment and accessories. It therefore cuts like a double-edged sword!
Verlichting voor congressen is een vak apart. In tegenstelling tot de theaterwereld waar men graag met conventioneel licht werkt, zijn voor de congresmarkt aspecten als verlaging van het energiegebruik, waardoor lagere kosten kunnen worden gerealiseerd en het terugdringen van de footprint, steeds belangrijker. Met ledverlichting kan een energiebesparing van circa 80-90% t.o.v. van conventioneel licht worden bereikt.
ACS is het enige AV bedrijf ter wereld dat bewust de keuze heeft gemaakt om grote congressen te faciliteren met LED in plaats van conventionele verlichting. Voor het ESC congres moesten 22 speciaal door ACS gebouwde congreszalen van LED verlichting worden voorzien. Hiervoor waren in totaal meer dan 500 lampen nodig, die allen in één keer zijn aangeschaft.
“Dit was het moment om de investering te doen. Niet alleen zijn we de eerste speler in de markt die dit heeft, maar ook laten we zien dat we denken in het belang van onze klanten,” zegt Annemiek van Iersel, Manager International Projects van ACS. Ondanks dat het een grote investering is geweest, zal ACS haar klanten geen hogere kosten doorberekenen dan voorheen. De klant profiteert dus optimaal van de lage stroomkosten. Voor ACS zelf levert het, naast een uniek product en tevreden klanten, ook besparing in tijd en ruimte op. De lampen zijn compacter in ruimtebeslag voor transport en zijn ook eenvoudiger in de opbouw. Zo wordt een reeks lampen aangesloten met slechts één door koppelbare kabel, waar er bij de eerder gebruikte armaturen veel meer randapparatuur nodig was. Zo snijdt het mes aan twee kanten!
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
ERA-EDTA has signed a three-year contract with ACS audiovisual solutions. ACS is the AV partner of the ERA-EDTA annual congress from 2017 to 2019. ACS will provide the AV and construction of the temporary conference rooms for ERA-EDTA.
ERA-EDTA is an association of physicians with over 7000 members. Their area of activity mainly covers Europe and the Mediterranean. The event takes place each year in different city and their objective is the advancement of medical science and related subjects. They provide up-to-date knowledge, exclusively based on scientific data, independent from governments’ policies and from any influence of the industry.
Paolo Zavalloni, ERA-EDTA Congress & Industry Relations Manager, said that ERA-EDTA finds it important to appoint a certain number of suppliers as their congress partners. ACS also strongly believes in long-term partnerships. This gives ACS the opportunity to look towards the future with clients and make even better investments.
From Saturday 3 to Monday 6 June, the ERA-EDTA conference took place in Madrid. In 2014, ACS hosted the AV for the 51st ERA EDTA conference held in RAI Amsterdam. This year, both parties worked together for the second time, this experience forming the basis for the coming years. The three-year contract will also bring ACS to Copenhagen (24-27 May 2018) and Budapest (23-26 May 2019).
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
We are very happy to announce that ACS recently signed a letter of intent for a partnership with the European Association of Geoscientists (EAGE). The partnership concerns the supply of audio visual facilities and temporary room building for the upcoming annual conferences of EAGE. EAGE’s annual events attracts over 6,500 geoscientist and engineers to explore the newest technologies, state of the art products and innovative services.
The 79th annual conference will be held from 12-15 June 2017 in Porte de Versailles in Paris, France. The conference comes with an impressive 11,000m2 exhibition space where approx. 350 exhibitors will showcase their services and launch new products.
The letter of intent also includes the 80th annual congress to be held in June 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
From left to right on the picture:
Jessica Ylstra, Managing Director ACS
Elsbeth Koutsoglou, Directir Operations EAGE
Jerry Gaspersz, Manager Operational Support Department EAGE
Annemiek van Iersel, Manager International Project ACS
De 79ste jaarcongres van EAGE zal van 12 t/m 15 juni 2017 worden gehouden in Porte de Versailles in Parijs. Naast het congres is er ook een indrukwekkende beurs van 11.000m2, waar ca. 350 exposanten hun nieuwe producten en diensten zullen presenteren.
De intentieverklaring tussen ACS en EAGE omvat ook het 80ste Jaarcongres van EAGE dat in juni 2018 zal worden gehouden in Kopenhagen.
Van links naar recht op de foto:
Jessica Ylstra, Managing Director ACS
Elsbeth Koutsoglou, Directir Operations EAGE
Jerry Gaspersz, Manager Operational Support Department EAGE
Annemiek van Iersel, Manager International Project ACS
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
© Corbin Ball & Co
These are exciting times. The rate of technology change is accelerating with thousands of ideas, apps and innovations bubbling up to help meeting planners, exhibitors, venues and other meeting participants to do their jobs better and improve the attendee experience.
This annual review covers many of the major events technology trends to watch for this coming year.
Social media channels are targeting events with a focus on video and live streaming.
Social channels are finding that events are a great way of gaining market share especially with streaming video. Nearly every social channel has added or enhanced their video offerings over the past two years.
We will see increased demands for live streaming events by attendees. The challenges for event planners will be increased Wi-Fi bandwidth demand. Also, the event host with deep pockets will be the likely target for copyright violation issues.
Data analytics will enhance the attendee experience and will greatly improve events.
The good news is that finally data management systems have matured to the point where data integration is a simpler task. With state-of-the-art cloud-based systems and robust, well-documented API’s it is now possible to collect and analyze data from a myriad of sources. As cloud-based systems get more powerful each year, big data tools are opening a new world of predictive analytics that can have huge impacts on events. In addition, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) tools are growing more powerful as well, helping to sort through this blizzard of data.
Engagement becomes an increasingly key component to events.
The ROI of an engaged attendee is simple: attendees who are emotionally involved/committed get more out of the event. They learn and retain more. They are more interactive. They bring out more in others. They will like rate the event higher and will be more likely to return in future years and encourage others to do so as well.
Fortunately, many technologies are evolving to build engagement like mobile surveys, polling and social Q&A, gamification activity, wearable beacons/smart badges, live streaming etc
This plethora of engagement tools is working into events in a big way and will transform the impact and power of face-to-face meetings in very substantial ways.
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are starting to make headway at events.
This was one of the key trends listed in my last year’s trend article. Although this will take a few years to fully develop, the billions of dollars spent by technology firms such a Google, Facebook, Samsung, Microsoft and others are beginning to show at events and tradeshows. VR is the closest thing we have to the Start Trek “Holodeck” and, as these tools develop, these virtual approximations will become increasingly realistic.
We are just scratching the surface in this area. The major hardware is yet to roll out and we will see significant advances in the next couple of years. it seems inevitable that we will VR and AR tools proliferate at events and exhibitions.
Facial recognition, biometrics and sentiment analysis will be used to measure attendees’ mood, engagement and demographics.
Technology has developed to the point where face recognition systems can determine attendees’ gender, approximate age, ethnicity, mood, and even specific individuals in a photo database. Postings on social media can be analyzed for sentiment as well. We will see these tools used as events and exhibitions to measure engagement, demographics, sentiment and even spot potential troublemakers.
In the future, these measurements could be captured with mainstream activity bands such as Fitbit or Apple Watch if biometrics developments continue and attendees opt-in.
Bonus Trend: A repeat from previous years’ predictions:
Despite the increased use of virtual meetings technology, face-to-face meetings and tradeshows will remain viable.
Webinars and other virtual meetings are great for short information exchange. However, in today’s multi- tasking and often distracting work environment, attention spans are short. Thirty to forty-five minutes is usually the maximum you can expect someone to pay attention to a webinar while sitting in front of a monitor.
Meetings, on the other hand, take people to a more focused environment with fewer distractions. As long as attendees are informed, entertained and fed, event hosts can keep them engaged for days. At the minimum, we share a social contract to at least look like we are paying attention at an event. The opportunities for networking, brainstorming, and relationship building are usually far greater at face-to-face events than online. For an exhibitor, it is often the best way to meet so many qualified buyers in such a short time. For buyers, it is a great chance to meet vendors of interest – all together in one location, categorized and mapped for your choosing.
Meetings provide a vastly richer, more targeted, and more focused learning experience than nearly any virtual meeting.
Note: this listing is a summary, you can find the total report on: https://www.corbinball.com/article2/29-futurism/186-7meetingstechtrends-2017
Voor 2017 geeft Corbin Ball de belangrijkste meeting technologie trends weer:
Social media kanalen richten zich steeds meer op events met focus op video en live streaming
Events zijn voor social media kanalen een geweldige manier om marktaandeel te winnen, vooral met streaming video. Bijna elke social media kanaal heeft een verbeterd video-aanbod toegevoegd gedurende de afgelopen twee jaar.
Er zal dus meer vraag zijn naar live streaming events door deelnemers. De uitdagingen voor de meetingplanner ligt in de toenemende vraag naar Wi-Fi bandbreedte. Bovendien zal de organisator met diepe zakken waarschijnlijk doelwit worden van zaken omtrent schending van het auteursrecht.
Data analyse zal deelnemerervaringen en meetings sterk verbeteren
Met state-of-the-art-cloud-gebaseerde systemen en goed gedocumenteerde API’s (Application Programming Interface) is het nu mogelijk gegevens uit een groot aantal bronnen te verzamelen en te analyseren. Hiermee kunnen voorspellende analyses worden gedaan die enorme gevolgen voor de meetingindustrie kunnen hebben. De mogelijkheid om echt ROI te meten maakt meetings interessanter voor corporate marketing en verbetert ook de waarde van het lidmaatschap van een associatie (vereniging).
Betrokkenheid van deelnemers wordt steeds belangrijker bij meetings en events
De ROI van een betrokken deelnemer is simpel: deelnemers die emotioneel betrokken zijn halen meer uit een bijeenkomst. Ze leren en en onthouden meer. Ze zijn interactiever. Ze brengen teweeg bij anderen. Zij waarderen het event beter en er is meer kans dat zij terugkomen op een volgend event en anderen aanmoedigen om hetzelfde te doen.
Gelukkig zijn er vele technologieën in ontwikkeling om betrokkenheid op te bouwen, zoals gemakkelijke mobiele enquêtes, polling, het volgen van social media-activiteiten, gamification activiteiten, wearable bakens / smart badges, matchmaking en networking tools, live streaming en het delen van foto apps, tweede scherm technologie, interactieve sessies, etc. etc.
Deze overvloed aan mogelijkheden zal de impact en de kracht van face-to-face meetings aanzienlijk transformeren.
Virtual reality (VR) en augmented reality (AR) beginnen belangrijker te worden tijdens events
Dit was een van de belangrijkste trends in het vorige trend artikel van Corbin Ball. Alhoewel dit nog wel enkele jaren zal duren voordat het volledig ontwikkeld is, zie je nu al dat de miljarden dollars die uitgegeven zijn door technologiebedrijven zoals Google, Facebook, Samsung, Microsoft en anderen zichtbaar worden tijdens events en beurzen. Voorbeelden zijn de reality tours die gemaakt kunnen worden in hotels of destinaties, maar ook tijdens vakbeurzen. Of het virtueel bijwonen van concerten, speciale evenementen en zelfs grote conferenties.
Gezichtsherkenning, biometrie en sentiment analyse zal worden gebruikt om de stemming, betrokkenheid en demografische gegevens van deelnemers te meten
De technologie heeft zich inmiddels zodanig ontwikkeld dat wanneer gezichtsherkennings systemen aanwezig zijn gender, geschatte leeftijd, etniciteit, stemming, en zelfs specifieke personen kunnen worden herkend. Berichtjes op social media kunnen zelfs geanalyseerd worden op sentiment. Deze instrumenten worden gebruikt tijdens events en beurzen om de betrokkenheid, demografische gegevens en sentiment van deelnemers te meten en zelfs potentiële onruststokers te spotten.
Bonus Trend: Een herhaling van de voorspellingen van voorgaande jaren:
Ondanks het toegenomen gebruik van virtuele vergader technologie, zullen face-to-face meetings en beurzen altijd levensvatbaar blijven.
Face to face vergaderingen, daarentegen, nemen deelnemers mee naar een gerichte omgeving met minder afleiding. Zolang deelnemers worden geïnformeerd, vermaakt en gevoed, kunnen meetingplanners deelnemers betrokken houden voor dagen. De mogelijkheden om te netwerken, brainstormen, en het opbouwen van relaties zijn meestal veel groter tijdens face-to-face evenementen dan online. Voor exposant op een beurs is het vaak de beste manier om zoveel mogelijk gekwalificeerde kopers in zo’n korte tijd te ontmoeten.
Bijeenkomsten bieden een veel rijkere en meer gerichte leerervaring dan vrijwel elke virtuele vergadering!
Dit artikel is een samenvatting, het totale artikel is te vinden op: http://www.congreswereld.nl/Achtergronden/63/6856-de_belangrijkste_meeting_trends_voor_2017
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
We would like to introduce you to Jarno de Boer, who joined our international sales team on 1 September. Jarno made a positive mark over the last 15 years in the international PCO industry and brings a wealth of experience to the team as a commercial manager. He will be located at RAI Amsterdam, and will focus on the portfolios of both ACS and our partner company Eventresult.
Jarno began his career began at the former Amsterdam Convention Bureau. This is where his fascination for the fast dynamics of the international market for associations was ignited. In subsequent years, he has worked in various commercial roles mainly at International Conference Services and Congrex.
Over the past year Jarno focused on the development of ‘Campus Party’, a major international multi-day technology festival. Jarno is also an Advisor to various initiatives, including the VR Days Europe. This experience helped him develop an interest in AV and IT. He sees it as a driver for change and opportunities within the Association industry, and also as an accelerator for interaction within international conferences and meetings.
The switch to ACS, the largest AV and IT supplier within the international conference market and partner of associations, PCOs and venues throughout Europe, was the logical next step for Jarno. In his new position at ACS, he will focus on the further development of the national and international conference market.
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
Whether it is an event with the Dalai Lama, a football conference in the Hotel Okura, or a podium on the football field of the Amsterdam Arena – give the assignment to Herman Stöve (43), Operations Coordinator at ACS audiovisual solutions, and he will ensure that it will be delivered to the customer’s requirement. Day and night. “I have my phone turned on all night long.”
What’s his secret? Stöve is a multi-tasker. He began with ACS at the age of 21 as a driver, and moved step-by-step to his current position. Because Stöve has worked his way up through the organisation, he knows everything that the audiovisual portfolio can do and also what the limitations are for each piece of equipment.
“After sales have secured a contract and agreed on the deliverables, I start working on the customer’s requirements. I look at what is achievable in terms of light, sound, video and display screen. For example, we recently had to take care of a conference for a football organisation in the Hotel Okura. They wanted a full colour background screen of five by twenty meters that would display images of football players. They also wanted the option for sound and microphones. I always check in advance that everything is available on the days that the conference will be held. It was an event of two days, but it is also important to take into account the time needed for the construction and dismantling. For me, an event is only complete once all the equipment is back in its place in the warehouse. Sometimes things can get broken. When this happens I know that I cannot use the broken equipment at my next event.”
“The event at the Hotel Okura was a relatively simple assignment. However, I also had the responsibility of the conference with the Dalai Lama. I needed to take into consideration the enormous security requirements. To the same levels were required for a conference about radicalisation.”
“I am busy with national events. Someone else focuses specifically on the events in RAI Amsterdam. For international events we have the AV company’s Projects Department.”
(Without thinking). “The variety. No day is the same. Each customer has their own needs and requirements and you have to constantly make sure that a beautiful finished product is being created. What was special about the example I described at Hotel Okura, was that we were only able to start setting up at 20.00. The conference would start the next day. So we needed to work in shifts through the night to get everything ready on time. In the morning, we hand over to the engineers.” “When do I feel relief? I have done this job for long enough not to panic. I stay calm. But I was happy when it ended well and everything was back in the warehouse.”
“Taking care, is what ACS the AV company is good at. That allows the customer to have full peace of mind and leave it to us to take care of the audiovisual aspects of the congress. In addition, and I speak on behalf of the department in Amsterdam, we offer flexibility. We are available from six o’clock in the morning until two or three o’clock into the night. We are able to supply at least 95 percent of the requests we receive – requests to supply audiovisual equipment like microphones, sound systems and screens – we are available at these times and deliver within an hour. Our customers know that we offer this, whilst other audiovisual companies do not.”
“I have experienced everything. But what I found particularly challenging, was a conference in the Amsterdam Arena. The client wanted visitors to see a podium on the football field from the stands. It was important that the sound equipment from the field could be heard in the stands.” “In our profession technology is a necessary evil. At a concert the audience will see the light, sound and images. But at a conference you do not want to see all of these elements. Technology is therefore not more than an aid.”
“If all the customer requirements are implemented within budget. You do not want to make lots of changes halfway through.”
“Anything is possible as long as there is a big enough budget. We are a one stop shop: we supply every product. If we are missing something in-house, then we look for partners who can supply to us. The customer can leave everything to us.”
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.
It already promises to be a spectacular hotel. It will change the skyline of Amsterdam. With 650 rooms it will be the largest hotel in the Benelux. Designed by none other than world-renowned Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas. In 2018 nhow Amsterdam RAI will open its doors on the grounds of the congress centre. nhow Amsterdam RAI will be a huge eye-catcher, and there will be many more hotels arriving in the capital over the coming years. This will make Amsterdam even more suitable to hold conferences, annual meetings or trade shows. The question is which hotels will offer the appropriate opportunities for conventions and how this market will develop further? ACS, as a partner of Amsterdam RAI and an expert in the hotels sector and conference venues, will bring you up to date.
What is going to happen in the hotel sector in Amsterdam in the coming years? There will be a wealth of hotel rooms in the capital. On 1 January this year the number of rooms calculated by the Regional Hotel monitor Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (MRA) was 30,777. This year, approximately 1,750 hotel rooms will be added. In the four years thereafter, if everything goes to plan, there will be more than 3,700 hotel rooms added to this total. The MRA reports that there will be an additional eighteen thousand rooms, but the opening dates are not yet known.
This does not only include Amsterdam, but also the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (the area in and around Amsterdam which includes: IJmuiden to Lelystad and Purmerend to the Haarlemmermeer). This region has 634 hotels, according to the report ‘Key figures for Amsterdam as a conference destination in 2015’. With a total of 42,000 rooms, seventy seven percent of these hotels are 3 stars or lower. The four and five star hotels have proportionally more rooms and feature state-of-the-art meeting accommodation and good facilities for events.
The new hotels included in the MRA report do not detail the star ratings. The memo Hotel Monitor 2016 the city of Amsterdam: “As far as it is known, it is most likely that the developments will be three and four star. Both the MRA and the City of Amsterdam reflect this. ”
What is the location of these hotels when we look at Amsterdam itself? The nhow Amsterdam RAI is clear. Of course there will be hotels in the city centre, near to the Beurs van Berlage, which is a good venue for events. The Overamstel business area will also be developed in the coming years as a hotel district. Hotelier Van der Valk is creating a four star hotel with 206 rooms and meeting and conference rooms. Van der Valk also has plans to build a five star hotel with 245 rooms at the RAI railway station. In addition, the Maritim Congress Hotel, Park Inn Hotel and Hotel Postillion will also be expanded.
The arrival of these hotels fits perfectly into the image of Amsterdam as an international convention city. In recent years, the city has been able to provide accommodation during major conferences. This underpins the reputation of the capital as an international congress city. Playing a major role in this success is Taskforce City Wide Congresses, which is a collaboration of the large business hotels, Amsterdam RAI and Amsterdam Marketing.
In 2013, a charter was established between three, four and five star hotels, offering 16,000 rooms to organisers of citywide conferences (multi-day conferences with at least 5,000 international participants). This allows Amsterdam to respond quickly and efficiently, without consultation, to answer quotation requests for large events.
This agreement helps ensure that Amsterdam remains one the ten most important congress cities in the world. This ranking is based on the number of international conferences and the number of participants. This competitive position for Amsterdam will be further increased with the planned hotels in combination with the conference venues like Amsterdam RAI. Looking for a hotel for an event? And would you like to use the most modern audio visual and IT solutions? Look no further than ACS!
Are you looking for an audiovisual partner who can take all your worries off your hands? Contact one of our specialists directly.