
ACS signs letter of intent with EAGE

We are very happy to announce that ACS recently signed a letter of intent for a partnership with the European Association of Geoscientists (EAGE). The partnership concerns the supply of audio visual facilities and temporary room building for the upcoming annual conferences of EAGE. EAGE’s annual events attracts over 6,500 geoscientist and engineers to explore the newest technologies, state of the art products and innovative services.

The 79th annual conference will be held from 12-15 June 2017 in Porte de Versailles in Paris, France.  The conference comes with an impressive 11,000m2 exhibition space where approx. 350 exhibitors will showcase their services and launch new products.

The letter of intent also includes the 80th annual congress to be held in June 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

From left to right on the picture:
Jessica Ylstra, Managing Director ACS
Elsbeth Koutsoglou, Directir Operations EAGE
Jerry Gaspersz, Manager Operational Support Department EAGE
Annemiek van Iersel, Manager International Project ACS

De 79ste jaarcongres van EAGE  zal van  12 t/m 15 juni 2017 worden gehouden in Porte de Versailles in Parijs. Naast het congres is er ook een indrukwekkende beurs van 11.000m2, waar ca. 350 exposanten hun nieuwe producten en diensten zullen presenteren.

De intentieverklaring tussen ACS en EAGE omvat ook het 80ste Jaarcongres van EAGE dat in juni 2018 zal worden gehouden in Kopenhagen.

Van links naar recht op de foto:
Jessica Ylstra, Managing Director ACS
Elsbeth Koutsoglou, Directir Operations EAGE
Jerry Gaspersz, Manager Operational Support Department EAGE
Annemiek van Iersel, Manager International Project ACS

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