This week was announced that ACS audiovisual solutions once again is designated as preferred supplier of audiovisual facilities at Amsterdam RAI. In advance of the final decision a comprehensive tender procedure was started in which the offer of ACS was extensively examined.
ACS started more than 40 years ago as a department of Amsterdam RAI and also after the management buyout of ACS in 2004, ACS continued as preferred audiovisual supplier.
We are proud to announce that ACS audiovisual solutions has won the tender and will continue as audiovisual supplier for the next years.
We look forward to the renewed cooperation!
Jessica Ylstra, managing director ACS audiovisual solutions: “We are very proud that we can extend the suppliership with RAI! That’s the tangible proof of the existing partnership of ACS and RAI. ACS is very grateful for the long-term renewal of the cooperation!! “
Maurits van der Sluis, Director Convention Centre, Commerce, Amsterdam RAI: “ Through ACS audiovisual solutions we can offer high-grade audiovisual support and temporary room building to our customers. Besides the audiovisual facilities, the variety of digital, virtual tools we can put at the disposal of event organizers in the RAI, has been expanded by this partnership.”